Q. How long has this residency program been around?

2024 is the inaugural year of the Project 14C residency program. We were able to take advantage of a unique opportunity when three floors, nearly 125,000 sq ft (11,538 sq m), of beautifully renovated space unexpectedly became available.  The floors had been built out as dormitory spaces for the athletes of Alliance University, but the college closed permanently in August of 2023 after more than 140 years as an institute of higher learning.

The building that housed those three floors of dormitory spaces is 150 Bay Street, which is already an arts-centered building in the Powerhouse Arts District of downtown Jersey City, and the owner of the building, GFP Real Estate, has a long history of philanthropy and supporting the arts.

Because the residency is new, we have the flexibility to shape it to meet the needs of the artists who are accepted into the program.

Although this is a new program for Arts 14C, creating opportunities for artists has been part of our mission from the beginning.

Q. Can I see the space in person before I apply?

Yes – if you are in the NYC or Jersey City area, you can make an appointment to view the facility by emailing us at residency@artfair14c.com or you can attend one of our Open House events. 


Q. The residency is being run by an art fair?

Project 14C is run by ARTS 14C, an arts organization with programs that include Art Fair 14C. All of 14C’s programs are led by our 4-fold mission:

  • increase opportunities for artists
  • expand public access to fine art
  • strengthen careers in the arts
  • activate underrecognized arts communities

Although 14C has primarily focused on the visual arts over the first five years of its existence, Residency 14C is open to artists of all disciplines.

Q. Why is the residency length 1-year?

The intention is to help artists start their careers in a creative haven, while offering access to the incredible opportunties within Jersey City and across the river in New York City. It can take a while to gain that career foothold and become part of a community, so it was felt that the time period was appropriate.  The majority of residencies are for one year, with a limited number available for 3-months.

Q. Are we require to complete a project or body of work by the end of residency?

There is no such requirement. Project 14C will provide exhibition and performance opportunities, as well as professional development assistance, including entrepreneurial and business coaching, but our goal is to give artists the opportunity to establish a foundation for a professional career, rather that require specific artistic output.

Q. What if I am still getting my degree – can I participate in the residency?

Yes, assuming you are attending a college or university in the area – you can use these former dorms as your dorm.

Q. Do I have to share a residency apartment, and is the work space separate from the living space?

Although we feel that communal living is an integral part of the residency, we are allowing artists to apply to live alone. Artists living alone would, with rare exception, be expected to cover the full costs of the residency, without opportunity for a fellowship.

The dorm spaces were designed to be shared (Alliance University put 6 student athletes in each), but we are allowing a maximum of 4, and the majority would be for 2 or 3 people. The spaces are designed to be live-work, and they all have sufficient space for both purposes. All apartments have two bathrooms and a kitchenette, and the larger spaces have dining and living areas.

Of course, poets may need less work space than sculptors – and each live-work space is different in size and configuration. We are planning to be thoughtful in the space assignments and mindful of need.

Q. It says that the apartments are furnished – what is provided?

Each studio apartment comes with beds, desks, armoirs and chests of drawers.  The larger apartments also have dining tables and chairs as well as armchairs and ottomans. Because there were so many more Alliance University students than there will be residency artists, all beds will be doubled, and multiple armoirs and drawer sets are available.

Q. Will I be assigned roommates or can a group of us apply together?

Pairs or groups of artists can be accepted together and share a residency space, though each must apply individually. Otherwise, roommates will be assigned using the application information to create a harmonious residency experience.

Q. What about the RA apartments?
Each floor will have at least one Resident Artist apartment, each of which includes a full kitchen, not just the kitchette of each residency space. RAs will not be salaried, but will be able to use their live-work apartment free of charge. 

Being an RA involves social maturity and responsibility, compassion, problem solving and leadership – as well as assistance with 14C programming.

Q. Are pets allowed?

Yes, pets are allowed, though if there are roommates, all must consent to sharing space with the pet, and the building charges a $250 per year pet fee. Dogs must have a license from the City of Jersey City. Artists are wholly responsible for their pets and any damages that they may cause.

To accommodate those with allergies, we will designate one floor of the residency be pet-free. 

Q. Can my (non artist) partner share the space with me?

Although our preference is that the Residency apartments be filled with artists only, the admissions committee will consider each application on a case by case basis.

Q. Are international artists welcome?

Of course – though we recognize that visa requirements may restrict the ability to complete a 1-year residency, in which case accommodations can be made accordingly.

Q. I already live in the Jersey City area and just need studio space, can I participate?

We have tried to find a way to accommodate local artists with work spaces, but right now the costs are prohibitive.  We suggest seeking studio space at Art150, which is on the 2nd floor of the same building, with an entrance right next door to the Project 14C lobby, and there are artist studio spaces there which come available periodically. You can learn more at 150baystreet.com/studio-space.

Q. Where can I park my car?

We are discouraging automobiles and cannot provide parking. Cars are not necessary in Downtown Jersey City as mass transit, grocery stores, restaurants and services are within walking distance. There are paid garages in the area, and there is (some) street parking, but artists are not eligible for Jersey City resident parking permits.

Q. I have more questions.

Happy to answer any and all – just write to us at residency@artfair14c.com